Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Phew glad that's over... NOW on to my FAVE time of year!!!

I sure am glad all this election stuff is over. I love politics and I love being able to exercise my rights but geez it gets to be a little much!! I may not agree with the policies and opinions of the man elected but I do very much respect his position and will pray everyday he makes good choices that will benefit this AMAZING nation as a whole. Enough. Done. Moving on with life. 
Is that the holidays knocking on our doors??!! It sure is and I love it!!! I can't wait to fill my house with even more bright colors, lights & glitter!! I've been so busy balancing school, work & living that I didn't decorate for Halloween but I am so planning on making up for it in Christmas decor! I love the excitement of all the mumbo-jumbo associated with the holidays...the family get-togethers, the food (yummmmm!!!) & most of all the SHOPPING!!!! Which brings us to BLACK FRIDAY!!! Its like crack for extreme shoppers. The bestie & I look forward to not sleeping, standing in line & freezing our tushes off prob just as much as some guys look forward to the Indy 500 or the Superbowl!! Especially now that she has a mini-me the deals are too ridonculous not to. We've had a blast every year and I'm sure this one won't disappoint!!! 
And speaking of shopping have you fashionista's checked out Hazel's Haven? OMG perfect little boutique!! It's the perfect mix of trendy and classic. Meagan has FABTASTIC style and her store has something for everyone. Trending items like waxed denim and studded details, a + inventory that is proof you can dress great no matter what size you are & even a few things for the guy in your life!! The accessories make me squeal with delight. EEEEECK!! Purses, sunglasses & the jewelry...goodness the jewelry...sparkly things just make me weepy!!! I'm pretty excited about this new addition to Fort Smith. And the new addition I made to my closet last Friday at the grand opening...these printed pants make me at a loss for words (which if you know me, NEVER happens!!) 
Amazing, right??!! I wore them with a
scoopy black tee & my black wedge booties...
why I didn't take a pic is beyond me??!! 
What's new with school?? I'm so glad you asked!! :) School is FANTASTIC!!! Ready for it to wrap up but I couldn't be happier with my choice to do hair!!! I'm def exhausted and too old to be having this hectic of a schedule but it will def pay off in the long run. I'm super proud of the progress I'm making and I totally feel like this is my thing. Check out my friend Trish's before and after...
Gorgeous!! Toot...that was my horn!! :)
I just qualified for the big CAPER 2013 trip!! Its an educational convention in Las Vegas were we get to learn and rub elbows with Paul Mitchell's leading stylist. Basically anyone who is anyone will be there, John Paul DeJoria, Robert Cromeans, Dave Holland, Stephanie Kocielski & Takashi Kitamura to name a few!! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity as a student & I am jazzed to say the least!! We're also about to move locations and we're all super excited about that. New shiny school!! :) 

That's about it for now. I can't wait for my next chapter!! I can't wait to be able to blog more again. I love/need this outlet...there's just something about having something you're proud of that you created all by yourself. Hope every one has a great Wednesday!! Until next time...
Be fabulous-